
Onions, C. T. (1873-1965). ( w 5 rekordach )

  1. Onions, Charles Talbut.
  1. Kp. The shorter Oxford english dictionary on historical principles / prep. William Little, H. W. Fowler, J. Coulson. - 3 ed. - Oxford, 1956.
  2. LCN' 1996 Sept.
  3. LCC online
  1. Onions, C. T. (1873-1965).
  1. Modern English syntax / Onions, C. T.
  2. Modern English syntax / Onions, C. T.
  3. The Oxford dictionary of English etymology /
  4. The shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles. Little, William.
  5. The shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles. Little, William.