
Snow, Charles Percy (1905-1980). ( w 4 rekordach )

  1. Snow, C. P.
  2. Snou, Čarlʹz P.
  1. NEP.
  2. Kp. The "Structuring forces" of detection : the cases of C. P. Snow and John Fowles / Bo H. T. Eriksson. - Uppsala, 1995.
  3. Apologia matematyka / G. H. Hardy. - Warszawa, 1997.
  4. BNF NA'1999
  5. Nastavniki : roman / Čarlʹz P. Snou. - Moskva, 1978.
  1. Snow, Charles Percy (1905-1980).
  2. Snow, Charles Percy (1905-1980). (ang.) Strangers and brothers
  3. Snow, Charles Percy (1905-1980) krytyka i interpretacja.
  1. Apologia matematyka / Hardy, Godfrey Harold
  2. Dwie kultury / Snow, Charles Percy
  3. George Passant / Snow, Charles Percy
  4. The two cultures and a second look : an expanded version of The two cultures and the scientific revolution / Snow, Charles Percy