
Kumar, V. (1957- ). ( w 14 rekordach )

  1. Kp. Marketing research / David A. Aaker, V. Kumar, George S. Day. - 5th ed. - New York, 1995.
  2. LCC
  3. Kp. Zarządzanie wartością klienta / V. Kumar. - Warszawa, 2010.
  4. LCA online
  1. Kumar, V. (1957- ).
  1. Business-to-business / Kumar, V.
  2. Customer relationship management : concept, strategy, and tools / Kumar, V.
  3. Customer relationship management / Kumar, V.
  4. Forecasting in marketing / Kumar, V.
  5. International marketing / Kumar, V.
  6. Managerial marketing : current thought / Sheth, Jagdish N.
  7. Marketing research : applications / Kumar, V.
  8. Marketing research : new methodology / Kumar, V.
  9. Marketing strategy : customer / Kumar, V.
  10. Marketing strategy : firm / Kumar, V.
  11. Retailing : market and firm level / Kumar, V.
  12. Retailing : store and customer level / Kumar, V.
  13. Statistical methods in customer relationship management / Kumar, V.
  14. Zarządzanie wartością klienta / Kumar, V.